In the News
Oshen's vessels, vision and founders have been featured in publications around the world, including BBC News, The Times, The Guardian, The Royal Institute of Naval Architects and more.

"Oshen's wind-driven robotic vessels are ready to alter ocean sensing technology, offerring a robust, sustainable and versatile solution for a wide range of applications ... leading the way towards a better understanding and stewardship of our oceans. "
Sea Technology, September 2024

"The ocean is the swishing, swirling, pulsating heart of earth, covering
over 70% of its surface. It contributes to climate regulation, biodiversity, the economy, and oxygen production. Yet, it is estimated that more than 80% of the sea remains unexplored. Oshen aims to change this, and they are on a mission to explore its depths."
Startups Magazine, July 2024

"‘It’s ridiculously antiquated’: could robot boats transform ocean science?
No one has yet been able to sail an autonomous boat across the Atlantic, but a young couple in Wales hope their craft will revolutionise ocean monitoring of temperatures, wildlife and more."
The Guardian -
In depth feature, April 2023

"Making a design that’s small, simple and robust means Oshen can manufacture (the vessels) in large quantities and send the micro-vessels to places where they’re currently just not getting the data that’s needed."
Holder spotlight feature, March 2023

"A self sailing robot boat that can help predict the weather has been built by a pair of 23 year old inventors"
BBC News feature, February 2023

"Oshen make fully autonomous, wind-driven robotic vessels for remote ocean sensing. Anahita’s idea came to fruition when she struggled to find sufficient ocean data for her Master’s thesis."
Innovate UK KTN, January 2023

"Oshen, a fleet of wind-driven autonomous robotic vessels aimed at capturing live data from oceans. The data could be used to improve fishing, weather forecasting or shipping route planning."
IMechE on Young Innovator awards, January 2023

"Meet the young entrepreneurs making waves: the winners of this year's Innovate UK awards have set their sight on ocean data collection."
The Times feature, January 2023

"The vessel is designed to run solely on wind and solar power, and is capable of sailing back after collecting the required data without leaving any trace of pollution in the marine environment." (translation, article written in Spanish)
La Vanguardia, November 2022

"Oshen’s team ... credits multi-disciplinary expertise for the success of the design, and is enthusiastic that a unique path-planning algorithm will guide its autonomous creation across the line."
Ship and Boat International / IRNA, October 2022